ヒップとは何か知りたいですか?さて、この3曲メドレーです!生徒や聴衆に本物の「ファンキー」音楽を味わってもらい、聴衆が立ち上がって踊り始めても驚かないでください。 「What Is Hip?」、「You're Still a Young Man」、「Down to the Nightclub」を含む、最高のノスタルジーです。 (5:30)
Want to know what's hip? Well, this three-tune medley is it! Give your students and audiences a taste of some real "funky" music and don't be surprised if your audience gets up to dance. Including "What Is Hip?," "You're Still a Young Man," and "Down to the Nightclub," this is nostalgia at its best! (5:30)